iOS - Getting Started

iOS - Getting Started


  • Xcode IDE

  • iOS 9.2 or later

Creating and Configuring a New Project

Create a new Swift-based project in Xcode.

You need to set No to the Enable Bitcode option in the Build Settings after project creation.

You also need to add or change the following items in Info.plist.

SDK Installation - Cocoapods

Add pod 'RemoteMonster', '~> 2.0' to the Podfile of the project in which you want to install the SDK.

target 'MyApp' do
  # Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks
  pod 'RemoteMonster', '~> 2.0'

Then run pod install on the terminal. If pod install does not work, run pod update.

$ pod install

SDK Installation - Direct Import

First, download the latest version of the iOS SDK via the link below.

There are two frameworks when I unzip the downloaded RemoteMonster iOS SDK. Drag and drop each Framework from the Finder to the Project Tree pane. You will then see the RemoteMonster SDK recognized as a framework.

Remon Setup and Layout Configuration

With InterfaceBuilder, Remon can be configured by using RemonIBController.

  • Add a subobject of RemonIBController (RemonCall or RemonCast) to the storyboard.

    • RemonCall supports 1:1 communication and RemonCast supports 1: N broadcasting.

    • Use Utilities view to configure Remon in InterfaceBuilder.

  • Set ServiceID and Service Key.

    • If you want to run a test simply, you do not need to enter anything.

    • If you consider actual service, please refer to the following and get the service key to use.

  • Place View at the desired location in the desired scene in the storyboard, and bind it to the remoteView and localView of the RemonIBController.

  • Import the RemoteMonster SDK into the ViewContoller using Remon, and bind the RemonIBController object to an outlet variable.


Now you are ready for development. Refer to the following for detailed development methods.


RemonCast can make broadcasting functions easy and fast.

Broadcast Transmission

let caster = RemonCast()

Broadcast Viewing

let viewer = RemonCast()

Or refer to the following for more details.


RemonCall can make communication functions easy and fast

let remonCall = RemonCall()
remonCall.connect("CHANNEL_ID")            // Communication

Or refer to the following for more details.

Known Caveats

Audio Types

There are two types of audio in Remon: voice and music. The default operation mode is voice, and you can use the music mode if you want to use various sounds rather than voice. In particular, the music mode tends to be more suitable for the broadcast.

Add the RemonSettings.plist file to your project and change the AudioType value to the desired mode.

Background Mode Support

If you need to constantly connect to the SDK in the background, you can set the option in the following menu: Project> Targets> Capabilities> Background Modes. If you do not set the background mode, the connection with RemoteMonster will be terminated and the broadcast and call will be ended when the app moves to the background.

Please refer to the following for background mode support.

Last updated